Biologia Computacional e Sistemas - IOC

Programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu em biologia computacional e sistemas


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Areas of Concentration and Research Lines

The Graduate Program in Computational and Systems Biology of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (PGBCS/IOC/Fiocruz) presents two concentration areas: Bioinformatics and Computacional Modeling. These areas include six research lines, listed below:

- Genome, Transcriptome, Proteome, and Metabolome
- Evolution, Phylogeny, and Biodiversity

Computacional Modeling
- Molecular Modeling of biomolecules 
- Systems Biology
- Statical and Mathematical Modeling in Biosciences


Mandatory subjects for all concentration areas of the program
Research Methodology (2 credits)
Qualifying Exam I (1 credit)

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